Logbook entry

So the journey really begins

11 Jul 2017Myoko Xul
CMDR Log July 10, 3303. Over the last few days I have traded up to a Type 6 hauler and am giving trading a go. Our ships main focus has been in support of building the Blackmount Orbital in the Pleiades Sector to support the Federations research efforts. This is the farthest we have been from the bubble and it is nice to get out of our comfort zone and see a bit more of space. We have seen some really interesting things so far and look forward to seeing more.
I have also set up the ships computers to start logging our jump information so hopefully we will now start tracking our jumps better. Vega tells me it is fixed so hopefully it is so.
The new ships AI has been very helpful and from the things he has told me I think I may try a bit of exploration soon. But I think I will wait until the construction efforts are completed.
The trip has also caught the attention of the Engineer Falicity Farseer. I have heard she can do amazing things with a ships jump drive so I might have to swing by to see her soon and see what we can work out.
So far we have delivered 300 tons of goods to the station and I am hoping to get a few more runs completed before it is done. I will update our progress soon.

CMDR Myoko Xul out...

.... I need to make a note to myself to check the amount of alcohol that Vega is putting in my drinks. Some how he convinced me to sell my rather new Type 6 for a even newer Type 7. We did over double our hauling capacity though so I guess it will all work out in the end. As we turn in for the night I realize that we over doubled the amount of materials we have brought to the orbital in just two trips so all is looking well. Hopefully we will get an good payout in a few days for all the work.
Until Later...
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