Logbook entry

Planning a new expedition.

At the moment i am planing a new exploration-Tour.
The tour will be about 36000 lightyears and will bring me to a few nebulas.

I heard, that you can not  visit many nebulas, because they are locked by the FSD-firmware.
I want to see this by myself.
I will start the tour on 26.7. 3302. At this date, there is a explorer-meeting in Toluku where many of my friends will attend.

I found the flyer of this event at a small shop in Marrallang at Coggia Terminal.

My ship is ready for this. A newly build Anaconda.

The FSD has been modified and now is capable of 28.7 % more Range.

The UGCS Amerigo Vespucci as wepons aboard. You never know, what you will find out there!
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︎4 Shiny!
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