Archive--May 3304--EIC helps over 1,000 CMDRs unlock Engineers
18 Nov 2018Raumfahrer Spiff
From the desk of Jahena Yar Savor:The East India Company has always been a leader in Galactic trade. From our distant, humble roots on mother Earth, to our growing and thriving Sector on the Federal border of Imperial space, what we do is trade. Sourcing the greatest good to win the highest profit at all costs is simply who we are. The breadth of our commanding trade reach, and the unequivocal precision of our operational logistics, is nothing less than an homage to the glory of our Empire and her founding principals. As CEO, I have tirelessly endeavored to ensure our company continue this glorious tradition. With this standard of excellence in mind, I am honored to recognize the success of our company's newest venture.
Little over a year ago, on January 13th, 3303, our elite division of Pilot's Federation Commanders began an experimental project called “Operation: Kajit Haz Wares.” The goal was to provide a unique and gainful service in the galaxy; over-sized orders of highly prized rare goods, delivered securely and promptly. We supply specific goods known to be coveted by various esteemed ship-systems Engineers, access to whom is crucial to humanity's long-term survival through the harsh wilds of space.
Under the leadership of Chairperson Prax Bloodwaters the operation has blossomed, and now boasts over 1,000 commanders served, with over 34,000 tons of goods exchanged. As word spread and demand grew, we've restructured and reorganized our logistical model to bring you the newest corporate arm of the East India Company; the EIC Trading Post. Today, commanders from every far-flung corner of humanity come to us to meet their growing needs. The galaxy is only getting more wild and dangerous with every passing day and we are proud to do our small part in preparing us all for what is to come.
The honorable East India Company welcomes you, from across the stars, to consult with us on your Engineer commodity needs. For over 1600 years we have brought the galaxy to your doorstep--all you need to do is bring us our fee and the galaxy is yours. For inquires about these services, please visit
Thank you for your patronage,
Jahena Yar Savor (via CMDR Raumfahrer Spiff)