Logbook entry

The Sun God

26 Sep 2017Phelbore
I got a k-cast from Saud Kruger wondering when exactly I could take delivery of the Beluga and pay them the balance so they didn't start charging storage fees.  I told them to bring it by, I wouldn't pay any more until I inspected it for quality.  Of course, I didn't have the all cash on hand, but I made a quick deal and liquidated my Type-9 (for less than it's worth, that's the trouble with being rushed) to make up the difference, and boy am I glad I did!

The Beluga, now named Cultured Carina is giant.  There's no two ways about it, it's huge.  It's also been gold plated, it shines like an old Sun God.  Loaded to the brim with a variety of passenger cabins, cargo holds and factory upgraded thrusters it flies beautifully.  I took it over to Felicity Farseer to get the frameshift drive worked on.  Now it'll jump 30ly at a time while loaded with a couple dozen insanely rich tourists who don't even look at the price of their drinks.  In other words, it's a money maker.  I've already earned enough to pick up another Type-9 but I just don't see the point.

The one issue with the Beluga I noticed on it's trial passenger run is capacity.  It holds far too many passengers for me to deal with alone while still worrying about flying us safely and discreetly to our destination.  I'd been thinking of hiring some crew for a while, but it became a very urgent need.  After dropping off a set of passengers who's only complaint was the lack of attention they received, I was approached by a young woman in ratty clothes who was trying to beg a ride "anywhere farther from those Thargoids!"  Apparently being on the edge of the bubble was getting to her.  I got a little more information from her and found out she had no family left (a couple illnesses, a mining accident and an overdose, I don't remember who she said was taken by which though).

I told her I just can't go and offer her a free ride, but I'm looking for cabin crew, and a ship that can run is safer than a station that can't.  It was a good argument, but she wasn't sold until I mentioned the free food, drink, private luxury quarters and the included (quite generous) salary.  We went and got her a flight suit and some outfits more fitting for a cabin crew, and off we went to Tchehen for the next load of passengers.  Now, if I can only remember what she told me her name was...
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︎9 Shiny!
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