Logbook entry

A Breath of Life.

23 Nov 2020TotalRad
I didn't sleep much. My bones are still shaking from yesterday's adventures. Those Guardian Sentinels are no joke. I can certainly believe they are responsible the decimation of their ancient creators.

Today, isn't going to be as easy as most Mondays. "Easy, huh. yea right when are Mondays ever easy?" I know that's what Mo would say. Anyway, today is not going to be easy by any means. I have a lot of work to do to get this 'ship' running again and even more work to get my actual ship running proper.. ugh. The everyday grind is a hustle.

Now It's only a matter of time before the rest of the crew are up and complaining about the cold halls. I guess I better get ready to wish them all good morning.

"Hey, sky Martial. What's your idea of a Good morning anyway"
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︎0 Shiny!
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