Logbook entry

13 July 3303

13 Jul 2017User72835
Contie-Shajn Platform,

I have finished all missions assigned to me, I ran a full load of surface stabilizers to Aller Station for a lovely loss of credits.... never doing that again.  i jumped out to HIP 2239 and dropped off some marked military arms there hopefully they will put them to good use.  I bought a Keelback today named her Tart Cart and outfitted her for mining.  After all that i have found that i might be pushing my self to hard, I fell asleep at the controls two times today with one of those times on planet side station approach got to about 50m from touchdown when flight control informed me to slow down scared the shit out of me.  i might just take it easy for the next few days give my self a little vacation maybe do a little mining and let the collector limpits do all the work.
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︎1 Shiny!
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