Logbook entry

An Old Familar Friend

17 Jun 2016Jyn Osiris
Too long since a log entry.

I found myself adrift for a while. I have been bouncing from here to there, in search of...well money I suppose. Its the only way to keep flying. Fuel isn't free, repairs aren't free. Turns out freedom isn't free. I feel like that should be a saying of some sort, like I have heard that somewhere before.

Recently, due to an influx of seemingly impossible weapons in the hands of two bit thugs and wanna be bounty hunters, I set sail into the black to lose myself in the stars; and find out just what was going on in my sky.

I have logged more distance away from inhabited space than ever before, making it a goal to take a ''Tour of Italy' - and visit several of the nebulae visible from the bubble. Coalstack was definitely a journey; and despite what they would want you to think, there is a LOT of activity out there. The magnificence of this area cannot be overstated; a great glob of darkness that can at times completely block the background of the galaxy when viewed from the right angle.

I also made my first run to Obsidian Orbital, to see the Pleiades for myself, and to stay in the lush accommodations of one of the most famous of stations in the galaxy. I was not disappointed. I don't think that I have slept that well in years.

Currently in the California nebulae.

Guess what I found while I was out there....

More to come.

Osiris, signing out.
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