Logbook entry


03 Nov 2015Jyn Osiris
So this is apparently my second first log entry; I accidentally erased the actual first entry when I was getting ready to create a new one for the day. I will have to remember to not do that next time.

I was going to continue my journey today, but the situation wasn't financially amicable. Right now the Keyes is in bits - in the middle of a mandatory upgrade of her logic circuitry. I told the deck chief that I would handle it myself, but he insisted that his crew handle it. He was VERY insistent. You know, like armed guard insistent. Be more obvious there Mr. Stupid-dick-balls. But I let these fellows do the work. You can be damn sure I won't be believing its on the level though.

Found out that an old friend was living on Bursch City with her daughters. It had been a while since I had seen them. Had a great time of course. Poor girl. Her life just keeps getting rougher; but she will figure it out.

Made a log note of her location - I will make it a point to check on her and the girls again. I would like to say soon. But....

Calibration needs to be completed before launch. Looks like Bursch City is home for the next few days while the Keyes is under the knife.

The weird-shit antics of the deck crew aside - I can't help but to feel eyes on me.
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