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THAT was an Expensive Lesson...

16 Aug 2018Chris Birch
Birch Log - 17:48 16 August 3304

Well, we're never doing that again...

I'd been saving my data for the end of the trip. Was going to totally overwhelm Canonn with it all when I got out to Colonia.

I'm not doing that now.

I was headed to what I believed is a new Bulk Carrier that has just arrived in Rohini when I saw a distress signal being received. I looked at it and it's threat level was that of "2." I'd handled that before with no problem at all, so I diverted to the distress call to see how I could help.

Within 5 seconds, the Price was destroyed.

Being in Rohini, it wasn't so much that the Price was destroyed - we had insurance - but the fact that I lost nearly 10M credits in exploration data, including several new systems. Looks like I'll be cashing in my exploration data as I go at the first opportunity. Sorry Canonn, I can't quite afford to do anything else.
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