Not complacent
02 Sep 2017Gareth Ryder
I forgot how fast the Eudora actually is, I've already traveled over 700 light years in what feels like no time. That extra 10 light years sure goes a long way, but at the exchange of having almost nothing on board. The ship feels so empty, I'm just glad mars is here with me, I dismissed him though, I was so irritable from all the passenger transport we've been doing that I was beginning to take it out on him. We're all feeling the strain, preparing for the end of civilization is no stress free matter.I see some of the other "pledges" as they call themselves (note; come up with a better designation that one sucks) acting like nothing is wrong, they're just going about their day like usual, participating in the petty squabbles that they do everyday. Well not me, I'm not gonna be taken by surprise when... if the invasion happens. A part of me still has hope that I won't have to get into a cryo stasis pod again. At least if I do have to this time I'lll have a friend to watch over me.