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Assignment Update: Barnard's Loop

04 Sep 2017Gareth Ryder
When I got to stepping stone base their large landing pad was 'damaged' so we could only communicate over telecom, anyway my assignment is to travel out to Barnard's loop and find out any information I can. Apparently the entire sector has been restricted, and no one knows why. Getting in will be tricky, assuming I actually can. The researchers said although not preferable I shouldn't put myself at to much risk in trying to break the lockout and that any data is fine, even basic system data. i don't want to disappoint them, but I also don't want to become space toast. The trip it 1400 light years and I have to make a short pit stop in the Witch-head nebula, for tourism reasons, being new to the galaxy has it's requirements, and seeing that nebula is one of them. Apparently Barnard's loop is one of the most beautiful places in the galaxy, pitty it's been restricted, I guess I'll have to view it from a comfortable distance. This assignment is definitely Thargoid related, it takes me right past the Pleiades Sector. The biggest hub for alien activity. The first and only time I was there was when that witch Farseer made me obtain 'Meta alloys" Didn't know what i was getting myself into at the time, but driving on that planet, alone, in the dark, with that presence. It was terrifying. I'm just glad the rumor was wrong and the abandoned alien site was at a well lit planet. Someday I might have to go back there.
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