Logbook entry

Ark Hyperion Update: Mars Offline

08 Sep 2017Gareth Ryder
Thanks to Sirius Gov we've managed to gather the credits for the departure fee faster than expected, Sirius Gov is also paying 15% as a "thank you" for all the scanning I did for them. Now that we're ahead of schedule, I'll be able to obtain that "Corrosive Resistant Cargo Bay" Alex tells me I might need one for future operations.

I'll be less stressed once we're safe and sound on board, after that I need to take the Hyperion back to that witch Farseer so she can do to the Ark what she did to the Eudora, I'll also drop by an engineer by the name of Marco Quent to modify the Hyperion's main reactor, it runs a bit to hot for my liking and they told me he can fix that.

Mars was taken offline today in preparation for the transfer to Ark Hyperion, it's lonely aboard the Eudora, even with the passengers, I miss him. his replacement is a non sentient computer that likes to play opera while in auto dock, said it was "To relax pilots" but it only annoys me. I can't wait to get mars back online.
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