Logbook entry

New assignmnt: Helping out Sirius Gov

09 Sep 2017Gareth Ryder
Sirius Gov offered me another assignment, this one will be of benefit to the Hyperion. I'm helping their chief engineer Marco Quent and a scientist by the name of "Palin" who's based out in the Maia system.

First I'm gathering some materials Marco needs, just a standard delivery, then I'm being sent to "Cheranosky city" in the Ngurii system to gather 3 relics for a colleague of Quent's, "Elvira Martuuk". She's going to analyze them for any data that might relate to the Thargoids Frame Shift Drive and shielding technology.

Then I'll be testing out Sirius tech's new neutron star route planner, the board members are apparently taking the faster routes out of the bubble if there is an evacuation. But due to the damage ones FSD takes when supercharging they'll have less room on board for passengers with the auto-repair system taking up as much space as they do, but Sirius hyperspace are probably working on a way to downsize them without losing efficiency. My route is 5000 light years, normally I'd sigh at that but properly optimized the Eudora has a jump range of nearly 50 light years, coup that with the 200% increase in range provided by neutron stars and the trip will be done in no time.

After that I need need to go out to the Maia system (yay) to help professor Palin, they didn't say what with for security reasons and that I'll find out more when I get there. Things are tense out there, with Sirius Gov trying to gain control of the system, LYR agents aren't exactly welcomed out there.

I'll update this log as I go.
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