Logbook entry

Helping out SiriusGov: Heart and Soul

10 Sep 2017Gareth Ryder
I've finished up the tasks for Marco Quent and Elvira Martuuk, they where both very thankful which was nice. Now I'm docked at Marco's base and resting up. First thing in the morning, I'm begining my trip out to SiriusGov's evacuation site for Professor Palin. The Heart and Soul nebula, over 8000 light years out. The computer tells it's finished calculating the neutron route, first destination is "Stock 2 Sector EL-W b2-0"

I'll be leaving in the morning after I wake up and have my last good meal that's not rations. It's going to take some time to get out there, even with the supercharge. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't afraid. Navigation logs show that I've been a max distance from the bubble of 1000.5 light years. I'd feel better if Mars was coming, but they need to finish installing him onto the Hyperion, so I'm stuck with the non sentient that is his replacement.

It's going to be a long quiet trip, I'll have lots of time to think. Another anxiety I have is the bubble being invaded while I'm gone, I could come back and be walking into a war zone. SiriusGov tells me they'll try and remain in long range communication, but that their transmitter is malfunctioning, and their not sure why. This is all very strange, I almost want the Thargoids to invade, all this worrying and prepping for evac is really starting to take a toll on everyone in the bubble. At least if they came, we'd know.

Either way this trip is going to change me, I just hope when I return, I'm not so alien as to be mistaken for and invader...
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