Logbook entry

Helping out SiriusGov: Final Log Before the Abyss

11 Sep 2017Gareth Ryder
I'm about to depart Quent's base (In about 5 minutes so I'll make this short) Nav computer says the first neutron star is 770 light years out, but after that it's smooth sailing on the neutron highway, glad I downloaded a lot of vids to keep me occupied seeing as the computer isn't much for conversation. I'll keep a log while I'm away of all the boringness that will happen out there, maybe Mars will want to read it?

Speaking of which, just in case, for whatever reason, if I don't make it back I just want to say it has been a honor to serve with the first artificial intelligence created for the space program to Mars.

I found him out near Tau Ceti when I used to run VIP's around in the O'Bannon. They where ready to decommission and replace him with a newer model. There was no way I was going to let that happen, being one of the few who survived cryostasis for over 1000 years I'm so thankful that I found another from my time. If I wasn't a skeptic I'd say that fate smiled upon me that day as to allow me to over hear the conversation between the station's Chief Operations officer and that Corporate salesman which sparked the idea of me taking Mars. He has been a loyal friend to me during what feels like a short time together, and he's been an amazing co-pilot. I'm glad to of known him and I wish our relationship had developed into something further, I'm just sorry I never got the chance to say how I really felt. Maybe if I come back still sane from this trip I'll tell him?

[Computer encrypt this log and set for delivery to SiriusGov Lembava HQ for Crewman MARS if I don't access it in... 3 weeks. authorization Gareth beta 17]

[Command confirmed Log entry restricted until specified timestamp]
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