Logbook entry

Heat and Soul Journey: Final Log

14 Sep 2017Gareth Ryder
I returned to the bubble a while ago, been flat out delivering data to SiriusGov HQ, Cannon and Professor Palin. While I was out in the Maia system I remembered when I discovered that mining settlement, Dav's Hope, and how all those people died because of corporate interests. I'm parked up right outside the base, just sitting here, thinking, listing to the occasional evacuation announcements. I think I'll make this an annual thing, coming out here and paying respects to these miners. No matter what, they will not be forgotten, not as long as I honor them.

It's funny, back when I first discovered this place I was horrified, and vowed to always watch my own back, and never trust a corporation. Now look at me, I work for one of those corporations, and worst of all, I trust them. I trust SiriusGov more than the self proclaimed "Big 3 superpowers" Unlike them, SiriusGov doesn't engage in stupid wars which cost millions of lives, and for what? Because they're to prideful to stand down and call a truce in the name of civilized beings? And the Alliance, if SiriusGov and Cannon both think they're somehow connected to the Thargoids, that's something to be concerned about. Traitorous dogs.

End Log.
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