Logbook entry

Exit Plan Update: Ark Hyperion Secured

16 Sep 2017Gareth Ryder
I just confirmed the decommissioning of the Eudora. A lotta great memories on that ship, I won't forget her, but now we have our exit plan secured and many new opportunities with this massive ship. I can't wait to bring Mars on board and reactivate him.

I'm currently in a small hotel, it has a nice view, I'm just thinking about how I got here, the contacts I've made and the Thargoids.

Just sold my old apartment in clayakarma but SiriusGov got me a nice penthouse in Lembava though, I can't wait to get there, just got to take the Hyperion to get engineered then we're good to start normal operations.

Can't wait for Mars to get back so he can review these entries that make no sense because I'm tired, speaking of which,

End log.
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