Logbook entry

New Assignment: Maia Favors

23 Sep 2017Gareth Ryder
I've been dispatched to the Maia and surrounding systems, my primary task is to locate and deliver computer components and Resonating Separators to Obsidian Orbital for professor Palin.

Just between me and you it feels wrong out here, I know it always feels like you're being watched in the Pleiades Sector but it's different this time. Maybe I'm being paranoid after that federal fleet was destroyed, which brings me to my second objective: Find out any information that the Federation might know, I'm going to make a personal visit to the FNS Hawke and call in a favor or two and see if one of those handsome sailors can't point me in the right direction (don't worry I won't do anything to dishonorable).

If that turns up nothing my contacts at cannon have kindly passed on some information on possible Thargoid probe or artifact locations, Mars has looked over the data and it looks solid, so let's hope I don't have to fire up the old black box, because as much as I internally boast about my vessel, if a capital class ship can't stand up to a Thargoid ship, Ark Hyperion has no chance.

End log.
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