Logbook entry

Personal Log: 29

24 Sep 2017Gareth Ryder
Crewman Mars is pestering me again about keeping this "personal" log up to date, keeps talking about how it's bad for my health not to keep one. Come to think of it that could be taken in a few ways... I should set a reminder to secure life support, eh later.

It's funny how we try so hard to escape our roots, but can wind right back where we started. Because the Hyperion is such an enormous vessel I decided to purchase a smaller, what you might call "Scout" ship. It's just a little dolphin class, for my personal use or when SiriusGov need a low profile task completed.

I used to run people all over the bubble and beyond back in my penniless days. I quite enjoyed it, for a time, after a while it began to drive me mad. But I kept at it until I saved up enough millions to purchase a retrofitted orca, made it into a long range tactile recon class. Served me well that ship and her crew. I'm sure SiriusGov would say the same thing also.

Point is, although I came from a class of ship not unlike the Fury, the difference now is unlike back then, when that ship controlled me... I now control it, I think that's why I don't hate being inside it anymore like I used to? Maybe we just all need to stop letting our past control us, because although we can't change the past, we can do something better  

We can change the future

End log.
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