Logbook entry

Unknown Ship Update: They're Hostile, and now I'm stranded

28 Sep 2017Gareth Ryder
While cruising around the Pleiades Sector the strangest thing pinged sensors, a "Non-human signal source: Threat level 5"
Naturally I dropped to investigate and I saw it, unmistakable, the profile of the ship was exactly as SiriusIntel described it, like a flower, except the "Hull" looks like some sort of organic construct.

Naturally I was terrified when the ship approached and scanned us, but that's all it did. Then MARS pointed out the wreckage from the vessel presumably before me and reported on the escape pods scattered around the vicinity, and that the ship was conducting the same scans on them, except after it was finished instead of leaving it was collecting them, for who knows what. If that's not a hostile action I don't know what is.

I'll admit I was acting on impulse when I sped full throttle over to the next escape pod in the ships scanning path, but I couldn't just let them be taken who knows where for god knows what. That's when it happened, the vessel turned from a friendly green to hostile red, and a dozen or more smaller things spawned from it.

It was brutal, there aren't many ships below capital class which can stand up to the Hyperion, but the vessel was impervious to all my weapons, conversely all of it's weapons bypassed my shields somehow.

There were so many missiles... even with MARS' perfect tracking the ADS cannons are designed to clear paths in dense asteroid fields, or shooting down up to 5 incoming missiles, not 20.

I tried to evac the bridge but there wasn't enough time, the canopy blew out and I just leapt. Good thing I did otherwise I'd be space toast, glad I invested those extra bucks fitting microthrusters to my suit, spending my last days floating it the black is not how I'd like to go.

Had to make my way along the exterior hull until I found a breach big enough that I could fit through, took all of 30 seconds, I'd say overall integrity is about 10%? Last look I got a sensors before they went down was 16%. Decks 1 through 8 have decompressed and we've completely lost the starboard observation lounge, Life support is critical, main power is down and the FSD has taken heavy damage, the port shield emitters are gone and all ADS cannons are offline.

Thankfully MARS is still online, even if it's at 30% of his normal capacity. Top priority is getting the FSD online and jumping out of here. I can hear the thargoid ship, it's emitting some kind of energy signal which can be heard audibly, even in a vacuum. So far it's ignoring me and picking up the other escape pods.

It knows I'm here, even if MARS is trying to shield us from it's sensors, a hunter that powerful doesn't just forget about it's prey, I just hope we can jump out before it's attention gets directed back to us.

Currently I'm sitting in deck 9, trying to salvage materials for the FSD, I just hope I'm fast enough

End log.
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