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Update: We made it

03 Oct 2017Gareth Ryder
I don't know how but we somehow made it back to Lembava. Just in time too, we where on our last legs, hull integrity was critical, life support was at risk of collapse and we lost atmosphere on 13 decks. It was a rough docking, lets just say that the Hyperion wasn't designed with docking tethers in mind.

I don't think we would have made it out of there alive without Mars, well we didn't all make it, I lost my chief of security Elissia Potter, she took one of the Hyperion's fighters and drew the fire of the alien vessel, if it weren't for her we wouldn't have made it far enough for them to loose our signature.

Her funeral is in a few days, it's only me and a few other SiriusGov personnel attending, her daughter can't be located, she left her mother to join the imperial navy or something, it's the whole reason she became a member of my crew. She wanted to get out and see the vastness that is space and experience everything the galaxy has to offer, but now she's dead. So I'm gunna make sure to track down the assholes who fired the last shot, and their not going to harm another person again. Might even take down some of these sympathizers while I'm at it, better yet I'll just cram them into an escape pod and leave them at a Non-Human signal source, I'm sure the Thargoids will be just as sympathetic to them.

For now I've taken command of the Fury and plan to pay a visit to Farseer to increase it's scouting potential, after that's done the repairs on-board the Hyperion should be complete, "repairs" the ship was so shot up I'm amazed they didn't just offer me a new one, well I'm glad we get to keep the original hull for the Hyperion, call me nostalgic but I have a hard time letting go what's close to me.

End log
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