Logbook entry

CML2 Nov-7-3301 - Status Update

07 Nov 2015Amithus
Commander's Log #2 - 705 Amithus
Date Nov-7-3301

Day 3 of the long distance trade runs from Robigo and I've made some serious credits. It's a grind but it's actually fun. I do like the change in pace. I made sure my Asp is decked out with shields and armorment so I can take care of pirates and I'm happy I've done so. Other commanders have taken the no shield route and no weapon route and have paid dearly for that decision. My new tactic is to just submit and anything smaller than a Python gets it. And that's worked well. Haven't died yet.

I can say that after my trading missions my rank in the Federation Navy is now Midshipman and my bank account is up to 154,955,008 credits. When I started this I was just a bit over 82,000,000 credits.

Saving up for the Anaconda, probably deck it out in a trade ship layout to flip some round trips becasue I'm sure this trade route between Robigo and the bubble will dry up sooner than later. That is why I've been pushing it so hard lately as well. I want to make sure I take advantage of this as much as I can until it's done. It's a bit of a grind but the payout is what I keep telling myself.

With the major manufacturers coming out with new ships here next week, I want to make sure I've got enough credits to get some of the newer models.

Everything else is pretty much standard though other than the trade runs. My first week aligned with Alsing Duval and I've made Rank2 already and I found that 1/2 of your merits carry over to the next week. I'll be shooting for Rank 4 or 5 just to see how things go with that. Right now, when I enter in Federation space I'm labeled Hostile however the stations let me dock, even after a scan and if I do get interdicted by a Federation Security ship, it's usually a loan Eagle or something. We'll see if that progresses further the higher I go.

Until something changes, I'll be in the Robigo area turning trade routes until the credits dry up.
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