Logbook entry

22 DEC 3302, First entry

22 Dec 2016Ice_91
Starting a little late with my first entry in my logbook. So here is a short recap of my time in space.

I've been flying around inside the bubble since 26 SEP 3301. I did hunt for bounty, explore star systems (Which didn't really work out very well.) and finally sticked to trading.

I did plegde my allegiance to Edmund Mahon a while ago and i think i did my job pretty well. I hoped to expand the democratic politics to more systems and factions, but that seemed to be a task without ending. So i finally did take a break from all of this and went for a vacation on the next station i could find. Although i lived there for almost a year i still dont know the stations name. Silly me.

Now, back again in duty, i rejected my pledge to Edmund Mahon a few weeks ago and started my own journey to get a permit and visit Sol. Since I got no permit, i looked up the galaxy map for a high tech station nearby to call it my home. Gupta City in system Lacaille 9352 was the choice. And by the way i still think Gupta City sounds a little funny. I'm wondering who or what Gupta could be. Anyway, so i started to do missions for various factions in this system and around to get my permission. Sol is truely unique. Everybody should visit Sol. Every planet has it's own character, looking pretty beautiful.

I'm still trading in and around the Lacaille 9352 system to hopefully exchange my ASP Explorer for a factory new Python.

Cmdr Ice_91 - out.
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