Logbook entry

23 DEC 3302, Preparations and departure to Colonia

23 Dec 2016Ice_91
Lacaille 9352, Gupta City - Being a trader is fine. You know what to do and have your routines. Some people at Gutpa City in Lacaille 9352 asked me about the awesome things i must have seen and experienced out there in space and the only thing i could always anwer was just like "Look out from the window, thats what it looks and how it feels like!". Just to make it clear: i did never leave the inhabited bubble on my trading routes.

But today is the day of change. I need a break from all these political interferences, civil unrests, lockdowns and especially these scumbag pirates. I decided to travel to Colonia, about ~21,930.99 LY away and i will try to explore everything on my way.

Although i need a break from dense population, i don't want to fly completely alone. Yes, the ships ai is friendly and can make a pretty tasty coffee, but her emotions always feel a little bit wrong and fake. So i needed to trade some of my cargo capacity for a fresh first class passenger cabin to actually get realistic and touchable traveling companions - human companions!

So i did let the mechanics do some traveling preparation changes on my ASP Explorer. While the mechanics worked on the preparation changes, i made my way to the passengers lounge and found 3 nerds, who looked like some strange sort of scientists. The guy who i talked to called himself a "famous explorer". I'm a little bit annoyed of these scientists who supposedly have a new "big bang theory" - so outdated! Whatever...

Meanwhile the mechanics did their job and they've done it pretty well, i've got new scanners for exploration purposes, a first class cabin and they even could manage to build in a Wifi connection! I was a impressed!

All the preparations were done, the passengers found their cabin and everything was set. But i still had space for 8 tons of cargo. Traveling all the way with empty cargo felt a bit useless. I listen to Radio Sidewinder a lot on my routes and heard, that they need help with transporting stuff to colonia. So i did contact Radio Sidewinder for their expansion mission and they instructed me very clearly what to do. Very nice guys over there by the way!

I plotted a new route to LHS 3447 - Bluford Orbital and filled my cargo with galatic travel guides. God! I'd like to open and read one of these!

LHS 3447, Bluford Orbital - So. Everything is set, got my last coffee-2-go - possibly for the next few weeks, pre-flight checks checked. I am almost ready to go. Just one thing left to mention: The void? Well, i dont know much about it and i might be a little bit nervous right now. Seriously i don't know what is going to expect me on this trip. I have a fuel scoop and I am aware of the fuel rats existence, but i never had fuel issues. So i don't know if they could even rescue me when in emergency situation lightyears away from civilitation.

Wish me a safe flight, commanders! - Thanks! :-)

Cmdr. Ice_91 - out.
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