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A run in with CMDR T. Curtis

10 Dec 2017C1EM
Today was the day, I have heard so much about this formiddable commander tearing through peoples vessels and running off, infesting the Community Goals with his powerful ship and overpowered weapons, read on for further detail.

It all started when I was greeted by a CMDR by the name of TELESTO13S a self proclaimed scientist who seemed at first eager to finally have human interaction from his apparent dull life in space. Suddenly a Message pops up from CMDR Tony Curtis "Hey mate, what mode are you flying in?" I replied with Open as to accept the challenge. It was not long after this message that his partner in crime begain to reveal his true intentions, asking me about my ships, and luring me away from my goal of reaching Elite in trading. Not only was it strange but it was blatant. Acting eager and excited to fly in a "Big Ship" capable of deploying a fighter, so I played along. I knew who CMDR Tony Curtis is and what he is about, and I know he knew right where I was due to my stream. So I stayed and acted along with his accomplice. Going into a lunar atmosphere and allowing him to play around in my figher.

Suddenly the time had come, CMDR Tony Curtis emerged from the dark, my first instinct was to get away from the planet and jump to an Anarchy System nearby, however his interiction game was on and the battle erupted much sooner than I had intended. Within seconds his shields were down and his hull began to fall behind it, but his overpowered guns were knocking my systems and locking abilities for a loop after many passes and trades in a heil of firey bullets I was unable to maintain the fight in my non engineered Conda and was sent to my death.

To CMDR Tony Curtis, thank you for the fight sir, I look forward to more encounters in the future, to your Accomplice CMDR TELESTO13S may you rot in a deep dark grave in derelict space station..

CMDR clementsX
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