30 Jan 2020Oak7603
As I stepped through the doors of Hanger Bay 3 in Sekowski Project I was met by a chorus of cheers. It was so loud that it drowned out the sound of The Executors engines as they idled and warmed up. In the low gravity environment the beer and other intoxicants that the crews had been drinking slowly left the assortment of beakers and cups and fell to the floor in jelly like blobs, splashing in slow motion on the steel floor as they raised their arms in applause and salutes.THIS FACTION TRIUMPHED IN A CONFLICT WITH THE MONARCHY OF CHUNTABON, AND TOOK CONTROL OF SEKOWSKI PROJECT AND THE CHUNTABON SYSTEM read the ticker tape on the screens around the bay and on the datapads laid on the tables. We did it! After 4 days of conflict we had pushed our advantage and with grit and determination we were victorious. The MoC were no longer in control. Both outposts were ours. to help achieve this goal I had taken on the role of journeyman fighter to aid with the war effort but now my job - the IRM of KI - had really started.
Here was a small system free from its Independent Feudal government which had bullied the population with underhand and unscrupulous acquisitions aimed at forcing cooperation with local leaders to the point where the economy was stagnant and war had gripped the system. Now it's a Federation system with an economy that's already booming under the Federation Charter of Free Commerce. The Monarchy has gone. The barons have gone and so has the war. Don't get me wrong, it's still volatile. The MoC have been defeated but there seems to always be a war simmering between the other factions. Hopefully they'll see how KI run things and they'll not want to fight each other. I can't stop them if they do but I can do what I can to stop them getting there in the first place.
My first job was to let the crews celebrate. They've won a whole lot, but they've lost a lot too. Good pilots. Good people. They will be remembered. 30/01/3306 will always be known as Liberation Day here in Chuntabon for as long as KI are around. My next job was to head out to visit some of the business leaders that are free to trade, let them know what we do and how we do it, how I can help them get new routes set up and how to keep them going. I set off with the belly of The Executor full of goods to help those that were suffering from the ravages of war intent on jump starting this new economy as well as building bridges between everyone - KI and MoC alike. We won but we all have to live here together.
I met up with some of those businesses and other local leaders that had been bullied by the MoC Barons and after some tense negotiations and explanations to do with how to move forward and how to work together as one system I was setting up trade routes to our businesses in the Jangman System with 226t of clothing, 76t of survival equipment and a combined total of 204t of superconductors and polymers. An excellent first day. Leading by example is a far better way to gain reputation and influence than bullying and force. As a gift to the KI in Jangman, especially as they are the only Federation there, I may have dropped a few donations too. Why make profit if you're just going to fill the bank with it?
It wasn't easy setting these trade routes up though, with the vacuum left behind when the war stopped, the pirates were out in full force. I'd had The Executor reconfigured for hauling big trade and so not only was I a good pay day, I was also poorly defended. I was interdicted 8 times by 4 different pirates but only one was successful, although it ultimately failed after some evasive manoeuvres until I managed to high wake out of there. If any of you come across William Mayes, Zubibble, Conix or Loklin Morrison then feel free to show them the error of their ways...
Pirates aside, it's time to move on! Lets enjoy the post victory boom and make hay while the sun shines!
Fly safe Cmdrs. O7