Time to Organise
28 Nov 2020Oak7603
Looking through the reports from yesterday and getting my head back into my role of IRM for KI it's clear that if the VP's plans are going to become reality then I need to get organised.Currently we're in a small handful of systems although only 3 or 4 are of interest and there are a select few nearby that we would like to be in. But we have to start at the bottom. Secure our current position, prepare, expand, secure. Rinse repeat. Sounds so easy in my head. The plans and timelines spread across the desk are not so. Looking at the clock I realise I've been here for a while. Too long. Looking at yesterdays results it looks like we've gained another 3% in Chuntabon putting us at more than double the influence of the HIP 1170209 resistance. It will be good to add some more to that later. The others are ticking over but we need to secure Chuntabon.
First things first. We need a squadron so that when we start expanding, we have some organisation, some extra hands on deck. Plans decided and then I spoke to the VP about what I wanted and why, where it would lead and how it would help. 3 hrs later and it was done. My squadron is ready - Peake Initiative - historic and meaningful. Ready to serve and protect Kraunaha Interstellar from it's HQ over in Ochea Terminal. With that up and running and ready to go, it's time to see if we can get some more eager pilots to sign up. If you're reading this maybe you could?
But before all that it's time to fly. Flight suit on. Secure the apartment. Head down to the dock. I'm looking forward to this today as the new paint job I ordered should have been completed, including a slight name change to the ship. Stepping through the lock I can see straight away that its all done. The ship is now relevant to my role - Kraunaha I.R.M. - and it has a red pulse along its black hull. It stands out and it's intimidating. I like it.
Dock staff spoken to and thanked for their hard work. Pre start up checks. Start up checks. Pre Flight checks. Pre launch checks. Launch checks. All done. Mission logs checked. Missions accepted. Flight.
9 jobs taken. That should see me through the day. A good mix - 3 courier jobs, 2 delivery jobs, 2 seek and return missions for the same commodity and a covert ops job. All done. No issues and the biggest surprise was the covert job.
I landed just outside of the security perimeter of the target location, SRV's in, scanned and out without any alarms or warnings. No shots fired. Nothing. 3M Cr? Yes please!
After all of this, I took the SRV out again for some material collection on one of the moons in Chuntabon. What a state it was in. It seemed like every 5 minutes there was another crashed ship, Nav Beacon, scattered canisters and other junk finds. I can't complain too much as I made almost 300K Cr from everything, as well as getting the Mercury and Tungsten I needed but I'm used to collecting materials when exploring in the middle of uninhabited space. A crashed ship is a rarity. Today, I was getting more and more surprised when they didn't show up when I dropped into a crater or climbed a ridge.
As you can guess though, I'm back in the apartment. Ready to sleep. Tomorrow is a new day and maybe we'll have some new recruits.
o7 Cmdrs.