Logbook entry

Mission: Impossible

01 Dec 2020Oak7603
What a couple of days. I seem to remember how tired I was back in the Chuntabon War, dogfighting with the MoC for what seemed like an eternity and yet time has passed, memories have faded and only the good ones remain. So sitting her now, exhausted and still buzzing from the adrenaline, I feel like I am now at the height, or is it depths, of what is humanly possible to feel.

I can't write down specifics but over the last two days I've delivered over 450t of valuable cargo, with some pay-outs as high as over 37M Cr, whilst being chased by mercenaries from all over the bubble. I've had to conduct covert ops in enemy, and even some friendly, territories. Blacked out SRV's, Goliaths, Sentries, Stingers and turrets. Infiltrating installations. Blowing up power grids, scanning data and I've even had missions where I have had to race to systems to collect the black boxes of those less fortunate than me. Those on both sides that have found the going just too much. Bounties. Data deliveries. You name it, I've been doing it.

Has it been worth it? Hell yeah. Not only is the impact being felt in Jangman with KI steadily growing in influence with those that can see the true future for the system, but the Federal Navy have also seen fit to contact me. The last logbook entry from before my hiatus was about my promotion to Ensign and now I am pleased to say that I've been promoted again to Lieutenant. Forget all this corporate work for KI, anyone who has even had a sideways glance at GalNet knows that war is on the way, and as a Lieutenant, I have no doubt that I will be called upon. If it can hold off long enough for me to get the Corvette then I will be even happier. Only a few more ranks to climb.

But back to now. A net gain of almost 10% in a day is huge and I'm working to keep that going. The other pilots recruited to The Peake Initiative are coming soon too so we will all be pushing towards the same goal. A Federal system of Jangman. Lets get the markets open. Lets get the black markets working. Lets make some money and get people up in the world.

Fly safe Cmdrs

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