Logbook entry

Are you kidding me!

14 Aug 2022Oak7603
2 years out in the black. 2 years. I've found, scanned and recorded nebula, black holes, neutron stars, and all manner of other stellar phenomenon. I've landed on planets and moons never been touched by humankind. I've crashed in to stars, mountains, valleys and plains. I've had joys and I've had some scary moments. I've been desperate for fuel and materials, desperate to get limpets synthed and SRV's repaired. I've had one hell of a time.

But I've also kept up to date with the going-ons in the bubble. I'm always amazed that I can get GalNet out in the void but can't send back exploration data. One of the quirks of the galaxy I guess. Thargoids taking over though! I still remember the first day I was interdicted by them. I've even kept the recording from that day. I've had AX ships and taken them on. I've also had to boost and FA off to get away at times. They are scary sons of bitches though and thats an understatement. But if this is the end of humanity as we know it I needed to come back so I turned around and headed home.

The one thing I did take my eye off though was Kraunaha. Well, I've come back and if you think the end of humanity starts with Thargoids, then I can tell you that it ends with riff raff taking over your system. The Stellanebula Project. What a bunch of lazy, no good scum. They've kicked Kraunaha Interstellar out. They've taken over the station and are now, like all democratic organisations, slowly killing the system with a stream of legislation, community votes, broken promises and lies. To prove my point, the second most popular faction is a bloody Prison Colony from a different system and all the true Kraunaha factions, (as much as I hate them, dictators, communists and more democrats) that should be running this system, are crushed at the bottom! Thats where the Stellanebula Project should be. We all know it. Give me a solid corporation that has aims and goals, ones they achieve, any time of the day.

Kraunaha Interstellar themselves are a shadow of where they were when I left. I have no idea who took over as Administrator when I left but they may as well have been on a trip to Hutton Orbital for the good they've done. I'm even hearing talk of a civil war against the Kraunaha Independants. Thats what democracy does. It causes confusion and stalling all hidden behind committees and hearings. All talk - no action.

Well the tide has now turned. I'm back and it's on. I've got a lot to do, both personally and from a work point of view. Theres been a lot of new advances since I've been out so I've got some friends to see. I've also got some big things planned for September, but you all know me. I've already been busy.

Democracy? I'll show them.
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︎13 Shiny!
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