Logbook entry

Looking towards a new future

17 Aug 2022Oak7603
The Thargoid news is troubling. I can see there being hand to hand fighting with them in the future if things go the way they seem to be heading. I think that humanity will be screwed if we don't get things sorted out and stop fighting ourselves. We need to be united. This isnt a time for anyone, from the mega corps to the single pilot, to be working alone. Which brings me to my news.

I've left Kraunaha Interstellar. I tried, I really did, since returning from my sabbatical. I've smuggled for them, traded for them, and even fought in 2 wars for them now but this isn't the time to be out there doing this alone. Hopefully I've turned the tide for them in this civil war and they can go on and win, but I've moved on and won't be there to see the celebrations. I've been there before to be fair. I'm an old dog and the new pilots don't recognise the past. Hopefully, I've shown them what they should be doing and they can kick the Stellanebula out and get themselves back in control.

For me though, I've moved to support my squadron properly so I've been busy. I've finally sold all my exploration data and netted a modest amount, and having spoken to the right people in The Fatherhood, I'm out on missions again. I can't talk about it here, but you know what I do, and I do it well. It won't be long before I get settled in properly and start getting things moving where I am and then maybe I'll start to talk about the things I've been doing.

Until then. o7
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