Logbook entry

Good To Be Back

24 Oct 2023Oak7603
So it's been a few day since my last update and I won't lie, it's been a roller coaster of emotions. Getting used to flying, the controls, station processes, they've taken some getting back into. Then, I've been working out a work flow for finding systems, scanning planets, landing and scanning for exobio that will be the most succesful and I think I've decided on one so things are settled now.

I have my routine and sat here, out in the black, on a planet that no one has ever set foot on or even seen, with a gas giant rising over the mountains and the sun beating down on me I can say with 100% conviction, that I have missed this. I was a fool to think that anything else could feel as good as this does. Long may it continue. Let's hope the Thargoids don't wipe us all out before I get a chance to die an old man, searching for plants out in the galaxy.

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