Logbook entry


26 Oct 2023Oak7603
I'v done it. I got my Fleet Carrier! And do you know what, I wish I'd done it sooner and I say this for two reasons. Firstly because they are freaking awesome, and secondly because it was far easier than I thought it would be. Wanna know how I did it, well let me explain, but if you ain't into your ExoBio then this will be a boring read.

So I've had about 2B credits for a long time but could never seem to get motivated to get more. This time round though, I was in it for the long haul. How long did that long haul take... about 2 days. Yep. About 2 days to get 3.5B. No lie. It's easy and all I used was an Asp Explorer, an Artemis Suit, and an SRV (optional).

ANd here's how you do it. Jump out until you hit the empty areas, about 8Kly or 160ish jumps if you can jump 54ly like my Asp does. Then you just jump and scan back, I was doing 10ly at a time until I got the money I wanted and I was left with about 100 jumps back at full distance, so I did a good few scans but we're explorers. That's what we do.

What do you scan? As many plants that have never been landed on - first foot fall - as you can. The least you will get is 1M for the 3 scans, and the most you will get is 19M. The trick is the first foot fall planets. If you can get them, they pay out 5 times the amount back at Vista Genomics. I scanned 700M worth, which if you get a lot of 19M plants is only 37 scans but if you only get 1M it's 700 scans of course but I would say you really average about 5M so 140 scans. Also, some planets have up to 5 or 6 plants on. All in, you will go through periods of no plants, and low value ones, but when you get a 19M, a 16M and a 12M on one planet you soon cheer up! Also add on the surface scans of ELW's, and terraformables for a little extra too.

And that was it. I got back ended up with 5.7B in total and now me and The Mighty Oak fleet carrier, complete with its own Vista Genomics is about to set out and make a lot more.

See you out there Cmdrs. Happy scanning. o7.
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