Logbook entry

Having a Purpose

29 Oct 2023Oak7603
I called a staff meeting this morning after getting back to 'The Mighty Oak' with the Python hold filled with 180t of tritium. The agenda - to let the team know that we're jumping again and then when we stop, we will be staying in the area for a while. The reason, to work on the codex.

I was just watching the limpets doing their thing as the lasers heated the icy chunks, and I was thinking of what to do next on this journey and then I remembered that I haven't looked at the codex in almost forever. So I did.

We're in the Inner Orion Spur still of course and the headings are - 161 total discoveries - 50/86 for astonomical bodies, 106/672 for biological and geological, and 5/39 for xenological. That's pathetic and needs sorting out. Straight away I can ignore the xeno stuff, one because I don't think that there has ever been any of that stuff found this far out, and two, I don't want there to be aliens out here. I have the 'Solid Oak', my AX Cheiftain on the carrier so at least I can defend myself if they were to show up but still. No thanks.

For the astronomical bodies, it's mostly stars I'm missing with 22 found and 31 still to confirm. That should be straught forward as at least I can see star types to narrow down those I need.

The biological and geological stuff though is wild. I have 15 confirmed geological types with 18 still to confirm which again, shouldn't be too bad to get. However my favourite field, bearing in mind I call myself an astrobiologist, is a disgrace. 91 confirmed and 544 reported - that's 16%.

So that was my mind made up. I can't call myself an Astrobiologist if in reality I've hardly found any exobiology. Team meeting called. New focus for the expedition. Game face on.

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