Logbook entry

Time to Leave

06 Nov 2023Oak7603
Cmdrs Log 3309.0611

Having spent some time here in the populated systems, the work to The Mighty Oak has been completed and it's time to go back out into the black. Those crew that had taken shore leave have been recalled. All R&R has ended and it's back to standard work stations. There has been one set minor setback thoughand I have to blame this one on me.

Having defeated almost 50 Thargoids with my friend, I looked into the grimy world of suit engineering. I met with Domino (it turned out that she is in fact female, not male as I had thought) and got a list of the materials and supplies I would need to provide her to upgrade my Artemis suit. Turns out that one way to get all those things, and the way I chose to go, is to infiltrate some settlements and steal what I need. I have a fair bit of history doing undercover work and I did manage to get a good chunk of what I needed but I racked up some bounties and ended up hostile with a few factions and became quite notorious for breaking in, stealing stuff and leaving. Thats not the issue, the issue is far more stupid.

I replaced the old T7 with a new T9 so that I could load up on Tritium quicker, and have been moving over 750t at a time. We have over 80000ly worth of fuel now, but figured we would keep loading to make sure that we have plenty and on the last run as I started my approach to the landing pad, I hovered over a neighbouring pad a little too long and picked up a fine. I can't pay off that fine as I am still hot property apparently so the reloading will have to end here as I have no access to the station services and the local admin contact won't let me get rid of the fine.

The next stage is to design and plan the parameters of the mission and then we will set off. The next update should be on the way out to the black.

o7 Cmdrs
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