Logbook entry

Expedition DES1-FECD Update

10 Nov 2023Oak7603
Cmdrs Log 3309.1011

We are now out in the outer regions of the galaxy, just starting stage 4 of a multi-stage expedition. The full summary will be submitted for public record at the end but suffice to say that we are getting into the swing of things, albeit we have yet to make any real discoveries or announcements.

The crew are handling being so far out and are working well as a team. Some of that success was due to me leaving the bar open during the expedition. The extra costs are inconsequential to the moral boost of having a dedicated R&R area. The only service I shut down was Pioneer Supplies. The Tritium depot seems to have resolved its previous poor performance and we have plenty of stocks for several weeks travel. The deck crew have worked well and we have completed well over 20 FC jumps all at almost full range and there have not been any incidents to date. The outfitting and repair teams have been called into action on a few occasions as the ground survey teams have had a few collisions whilst surveying and hunting for planetary sites of interest. There is no expected date of return.

We have submitted several images to document the expedition and these can be found in our archives - they include a shot from one of the stellar surveying teams as they watched The Mighty Oak enter hyperspace, as well as a scary view of the milkyway with some nebula unfortunately positioned in such a way that it looked like the Thargoids had over run and killed off civilisation. Galnet has confirmed that this is not the case.

In terms of finances, we have so far earned in excess of 1BCr and Vista Genomics has been busy. We do expect to significantly increase this amount as the expedition draws to a close. Plans for when we return have not been finalised but I did receive a strange communication from the Federal Navy that was a subtle hint to remind me that I am only a mission or two short of promotion to Lieutenant Commander. Maybe some effort to get that Corvette could be on the cards.

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