Logbook entry

DES1-FECD Final Report

12 Nov 2023Oak7603
Deep Space Expedition One - Formidine Exploration for Codex Discoveries

Fleet Carrier - The Mighty Oak
Captain - Benedict Floyd
Services Running - Refuel, Repair, Rearm, Commodities, Vista Genomics, Bartender, Universal Cartographics, Redemption Office.
Services Disabled - Pioneer Supplies.

Expedition Goals - To enter the Formidine Region and start exploration to complete the Codex.

Stage 1 - Reach the Formidine Region - SUCCESSFUL: 07/11/3309
Stage 1 Summary - 16 FC jumps. No incidents.

Stage 2 - Start exploration as per document 0126d: FLEET CARRIER EXPLORATION PROTOCOLS - SUCCESSFUL
Stage 3 - Main exploration focus: Proto Stars, Carbon Stars, Wolf-Rayet Stars, White Dwarf Stars, and Non-sequence Stars. - SUCCESFUL

Expedition Results from Stage 2 and 3 (Organic Structures ONLY)

StageDateSystems Scanned Codex Entries
Stage 107/11/3309 07:1120
Stage 207/11/3309 12:55525
Stage 308/11/3309 11:4321055

Financial Report

Universal Cartographics - 55,229,278Cr
Vista Genomics - 1,554,643,000Cr
Codex - 1,183,125Cr

Total - 1,611,055,403Cr

Stage 4 - Return to home system - SUCCESFUL
Stage 4 Summary - 28 jumps. No incidents.

Expedition Summary

Although a large number of systems were scanned, the parameters of the expedition were only to scan new codex entries. This limited the Vista Genomics payouts and although 1.6BCr is not a small number, it is a low payout for the amount of time spent and the number of systems scanned. There was also a set amount of system targets pre-selected before the expedition started. There was no scope to scan extra targets, other than the systems used to jump to the pre-selected targets as per Document 0126d. Also, it is with regret to report that not all of the pre-selected systems were scanned but will remain targets to be added to any future Formidine Region expeditions.

Crew morale stayed high throughout and the Fleet Captain should be proud of his team.

Cmdr Oak7603
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