Logbook entry


12 Nov 2023Oak7603
Cmdrs Log 3309.1211

We're almost back. The expedition has ended and while we have the last few FC jumps to do, the crews are busy writing up their reports ready to submit to me for final approval before it becomes public record. In my opinion we did OK. I know we didn't complete all objectives but we worked within the parameters we had and got some good results.

What next though you may ask, well things have been moving behind the scenes. People have been talking. I've been listening and poking around. The outcome - it looks like I'm going back to running a faction. My days running the Kraunaha Interstellar Corporation have been recognised and so an offer came to me a few days ago and I've accepted. It's a Federation faction so it will provide the jobs I need to raise my Federation rank too. Two birds with one offer.

The faction itself is small. I mean, one system small, and it's not even the top faction in the system so I've got some work to do but I expect to see big changes quickly. Hopefully things haven't changed too much from the old days and I'll pick it all back up again. I'm looking forward to it. The variety, the strategy, the good times, and the bad times too. Adversity breeds strength so they say. I've been reading my previous entries from those old days and I'm keen to get stuck in. I expect my next entry after the expedition results will be an update in my new home system.
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