Logbook entry

Attention, Officer on Deck

19 Nov 2023Oak7603
Cmdrs Log 3309:1911

Well it's been a long time since I recorded any updates but in my defence it has been a tremendously productive but hectic week. In it's most simplistic terms I have progressed in all ways.

I have been promoted three times in the Federal Navy, the greatest Navy in all of space, after the elimination of 125 targeted enemies (without loss may I add), delivering 72 data packages, and donating to various causes around Federation space to the tune of 283.2MC. I am now a Rear Admiral and I have achieved my goal to own a Federal Corvette. In a slightly distasteful twist I have also been contacted by the Imperial Navy who have seen my efforts, and they have offered me the chance to join them, as an outsider initially. I would rather go to Hutton Orbital, with only dried brain trees and bacteria as a food source, than join them.

I have also pledged my allegiance to Zachary Hudson and have started my foray into ensuring his power remains a strong force in the civilised spacre we all call home. I have leaned into this new view of the galaxy and will be honoured for my efforts in the not too distant future. To help in this I have also joined the Federal United Command and look to become a valuable member as the weeks progress.

The company that hired me to further their efforts have made great strides becoming the second most influential power, and have greatly pulled back the leading power. This has taken a back seat with the push for the Federal Navy promotions but I am back to now get them top and then I will be moving to a more strategic use of my time to further Mr Hudson's aims.

In anothet twist I have taken on a second crewman. Ward Wilkins who will be supporting me as we eliminate threats around the Federal System in the new Federal Corvett. He is apparently an expert in his field but he has yet to show me his skills in battle. Time will tell.

o7 Federal Cmdrs
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