Logbook entry

True Fulfillment?

29 Nov 2023Oak7603
Cmdrs Log 3309:112907

I've tried many roles and professions since I got my pilot's licence. I still remember back in the very beginning when there used to a ship known as a Panther Clipper. It was a beast, 2000t of cargo! I have fond memories, but also some bad ones. Looking back now, carrying a hold full of slaves for the Empire wasn't my finest hour to be sure. I've carried on trucking since then, but I've also been a fighter pilot, a courier, an explorer, a diplomat, a federal agent, even a pirate. I've even killed and researched aliens. I feel like I must have done it all but then I find a new role that holds me for a while.

This new path I'm on, helping out the Thargoid war effort by humanitarian means, I must admit to thinking that it could be the ultimate role. It seems to have it all, money coming out of my ears, the thrill of escaping alien attacks, while flying a stripped back specific roled ship, planetary landings, space docking, putting out fires, powering up settlements, rumbling around in the Scorpion and killing pirates, and maybe doing a little 'resource re-allocation' while I'm at it. And all of this going towards helping humanity survive. Actually fighting the war and making a difference

If there are any old dogs or new pilots looking for a home. I highly recommend becoming a rescuer, it may just scratch that itch.

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