Logbook entry

Nomad Homed

08 Dec 2023Oak7603

The Commander struggles to sleep.

Thoughts of Thargoids tearing passengers out of the back of his rescue fitted Anaconda - The Dynamo - merged into him sneaking around a RES building on some icy moon, a dead body laid in the shadows near him and then there is a click as a cold barrel from an Intimidator touches the back of his neck, "Hold it Commander", then he's back in his Chieftain - The Chicxulub - racing around a spire, trying to kill a banshee as a shutdown field catches him unawares and his ship crashes into the ground, trapping him in the cockpit, the Banshee screeches closer.

He woke up suddenly, covered in sweat.

He turned on his data pad looking for something to take his mind of it but that was no good either. All he could see were complaints about everything. Commanders unhappy with their lives, blaming it on everyone else but themselves. Anyone with any positivity gets shouted down and mocked. He turned on his Squadrons message board. That wasn't much better, still the same. He felt let down. It all looked so shiny from the outside, but inside there was no more team work, no more camaraderie than anywhere else. Just apathetic and negative.

This is what lead him to trying to build a world himself. He'd built his own squadron, he'd even built a small home for anyone that joined, and they came, 4 or 5 pilots on the first day but it just didn't feel right. It felt forced, manufactured. In his anger, he'd just shut it down. Closed and locked the doors. He hadn't even told those that had turned up. He just up and left.

So here he was again, the orignal nomad. Not sure of his place. Not sure of his direction. Looking for something but not really sure what.

**NEW MESSAGE** flashed up on his datapad. It was an invitation. Interest piqued, he got in his ship and went to this new place. He walked in, not sure of what to expect. A pilot he'd never seen before came over like as if he'd been there forever. Introductions, interested in his story. As he chatted, the Commander looked around. Events were planned. Thi seemed more like a home. He felt at ease.

The chat contiued and other pilots came out of the offices and rooms around the building and then the pilot that had invited him walked in, "Hey" he shouted as if they'd known each other for ever and offered a cup of coffee. "Thanks" said the Commander, appreciative of the drink. As he took a slug, he looked at the flask that it came from. He spat his drink out. It was clearly a cup, shaped sort of a like a torch with a lid that was moulded into the shape of certain human lady parts!

Laughing hysterically. He slapped the pilot on the back.

Yes this might just be the home he was looking for.
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︎4 Shiny!
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