Logbook entry

Hazardous Resource Sites

01 Nov 2015Fastforecast
Few things are as exciting as finishing my kill scan and seeing 6 digit balances on the person in my crosshairs. That adrenaline buzz, the ship is humming in anticipation and the banks are fully charged, ready to release superheated plasma death on the object of my attention. I'm still getting used to fighting, especially the Anacondas so I went looking for big prey tonight..... and found it.

The first few ships were easy, not worth my attention and then I spotted a Python. Seeing a warrant of 90k, I happily opened fire. The Class 3 weapons were stripping his shields and I did not expect what he did next. Spinning to face me, he boosted, right into my bridge. My shields held despite the impact and I killed him quickly afterwards. What I didn't foresee was the twin Anacondas that had taken notice of the fight and began pumping plasma accelerators into my ship. The shields held for the first few volleys (Thank you prismatic shields) but they could not withstand, even with two Class A boosters, a direct impact from an anaconda.

Knocked sideways with alarm klaxons blaring, I sheathed my weapons and dumped everything into the engines and began to flee. The problem with fleeing in an asteroid belt is there is a lot of mass for a long time. Those accelerators ripped through subsystems, burned off hull and by the time I was able to jump out, I was down to 40%. It's been a long time since I fled from battle and as I settle into the outpost for repairs, I am thankful I got away. She is scorched and will need an expensive refit but she'll fly again very soon.
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︎4 Shiny!
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