Logbook entry

Personal Log

31 Jul 2017Dr Dogfight
Stardate: 95183.21

I was on my way to the Witch Head Nebula when I received word of a declaration of War against my Allies in my home system. I arrived this morning to home base hoping that the message I received was a false alarm. I hoped for nothing. Two massive battles were taking place 3LS from one another right in our front yard. We had lost 36 ships and 23 pilots, the survivors are being taken care of in sickbay, but it does not look good for them. As for me, I mobilized immediately and joined the fur ball; It wasn't pleasant, many ships were lost. However, I managed to score 6 kills before my canopy was blown out and was forced to retreat. I shall now await repairs and join the fray asap.
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