Logbook entry

CMDR.log.001 - Introduction

04 Nov 2015Hippogriff
Today begins what I hope to be a rewarding archive of my daily life as a long-range reconnaissance and exploration pilot. Now, for a short bit of history. I was born and grew up in a low class family on the beautiful planet Emerald of the Cemiess system. My father spent months away from the family, working up in Emerald's orbit on Titius Station as an imperial navy ship technician. This was hard for us, but my brother and I did our part working to support our mother and sister while our father was away. I grew up with dreams of joining the imperial navy and flying the ships my father talked so avidly about. Yet, as much I would come to respect our imperial leaders and admire our great Emperor, my family was often treated with ignorance and disdain by the upper class nobility of Cemiess. Thus, my main concern as I grew into maturity was to establish a sense of justice and equality for all citizens of the Empire and even for all of human space. To this day I serve justice and the people of our interstellar realm, though the Empire will always be home for me. I currently own two starships which have served me very different purposes. I fly a Fer-de-lance named the Wolf of Winter in several very particular roles which I regret to say, must remain classified. But I also fly an Imperial Clipper called Odin's Eye, a gift I received at the coronation of Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval as a token of respect for my own allegiance to the Empire and that of my father's.

Today, Odin's Eye is outfitted for long-range reconnaissance and exploration. I have an insatiable fascination for the mysteries of the galaxy and its deadly beauty. While my primary motivations for interstellar exploration shall remain classified, I will utilize these logs to record my adventures, discoveries, observations, and challenges. It is my hope that these entries will be found useful and interesting to other pilots who may happen to see these in the galactic database.

Justicia Ex Umbra - CMDR Hippogriff
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