Logbook entry

Just Another Day

30 Aug 2018Tkshinra
Today was decent at best, I went to HR today to put in my last week at my job and hung out with the other cooks today. got to talking about the Gnosis and the potential discoveries that will be found in the next week. Got me missing my Federal Corvette...(sigh). The ole girl was named by my old mate and Best friend so its a bittersweet moment.  Every time I look at the Pixie Poker I remember the family that I lost and how I miss her and my son. But alas they are most likely better off without me, so to the stars I look to try to make my fortune amongst the Void. Well I have one week left here on earth then its the long flight back to Gandui. ( hope to the Goddess that I can afford a decent room instead of economy) Heard a rumor my ole mate was looking for me but I'm not going to believe those rumors I just got use to the fact that I don't need her anymore. Well o7 CMDRs and may the stars be your guide in the Void!
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