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My beautiful babbling behemoth банка майонеза,one day ill have to look into what that means. This is the inscription on the helm of this second hand Type 9 built a few life times ago. "The price is great you'll never see a T9 for a price like this. Of course you'll be able to change the covas language". Damn salesmen "fsd зарядка" It announces again as the FSD starts spin up, out on another rescue mission. Seems to be all I do these days, since the alliance moved into the goid nebulas. This time though unlike any other we have 3 areas on 3 sides of the bubble, but that is far above my pay grade, I am just trying to do my best. Coming in for another hot landing trying to flush as much coolant as i can through he ship i bounce the hull again. " tower to банка майонеза can you avoid doing extra damage to the station, we thank you for your help." I can carry just over a hundred passengers a run it sounds like a lot..... there are so many people at every station though. I am just doing my little bit. I try and start as the least influential groups. the ones that get " forgotten" i do 3 or 4 runs then take my flying brick back to the hall for repairs and to take the long jump to the next station. I might be able to do more good if i stayed at one place you ask, maybe who knows though there's lots of void and again so many people. this time and this day i am trying to help xeno station fitting in a shitty human way. as i finish here and head back to the hall. it is still so strange as i get ripped out of frame shift to the sight of the milky eye of the thargoid ship after it shuts me down. why does this one not kill me why is it that so many die from them and then there are still those that don't attack and just trumpet like some of the giant sea life on ocean worlds. the first time this happened my suit had a hard time with all of the waste i had tried to make it process all at once. now i just lay back and wait for it all to turn back on and to hear the babble of that dead language. " its been a long week" i sigh as i spin up my FSD once more,
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