Cmdr Arkadi Kreven
Freelancer / Wanderer
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Anaconda WA3IOR
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Logbook entry

Federal Operation Cycle 29: learning the hard way

23 Dec 2015Arkadi Kreven
Diary: Again I woke sweating from that dream. I still feel the burns of my skin and the blinding light ripping throuhg my eyes right into my skull. I was accelerating into frame-shift and then the blast wave was hitting from behind like a truck. I saw the laser beams silently blasting away into the dark when the engines of my ship were dying with a roar, then I heared the blow of the extraction-capsule and I  started to whirl away into space.

Emergency rescue and medical treatment did a good job. They managed to replace most of my burned skin with fresh genetical engineerd tissues and all other wounds healed without any marks in the regeneration tanks of the medical department of Vinci Station. Again I am glad the pilot-federation really cares about theire own.

First everything went really well. Cmdr Rivulet and me, we were opposing the Empress' forces in a crime sweep. Rivulet had a good run. He had taken out about eight enemy Commanders and I was covering him as good as possible. Over the voice-com I heard the victorious yell of Rivulet: "You wanna ram me? Eat my plasma Imp." Then I heared an explosion. Static silence. Finally Rivulets voice: He's blown up on my bumper!" But then I fell for a bait. I was going after an Imperial Cmdr in a (probably stolen) Federal Dropship. I forced him to high wake out, but during my attack I did not see that a wing with at least two Cutters from the Empress' faction were on my tail firing away. It was a matter of seconds and the sturdy shields of my Vulture were collapsing. The rest of the story is following me in my dreams until now.

Logbook: Vacation is over. I am back to Nanomam for more Republican Garrison Supplies and more downtime, waiting for the administrative management to fill the papers. Shure I could have my Garrison Supplies fast-tracked. But then, why should I pay horrendous fees for doing my duty? I never understood why the bureaucrats in Nanomam keep barring the way for an efficient trasport system. They keep argumenting its all about security measures and what not. I dont believe a word they say. For them it is just another fee, another income to support theire luxury lifes down on theire beautyful showcase planets, whilst we are fighting in the dark void risking our lifes each day. But thats the prize to pay for a federal citizenship. I cant say I didnt know.

During the wait I have time enough to complete my ship log and recapitulate the past events.

I am lucky to have my trusted companion Cmdr Rivulet supporting me in the new founded flight-wing, the "Federal Syndicate". I hope this Syndicate will help us better organize our efforts. The first official undertaking of the Federal Syndicate is credited to Cmdr Rivulets superb intel. Since all official Federal operations were more or less over-staffed, Cmdr Rivulet found a system witch was invaded by Imperial forces from Arissa Lavigne-Duval. If successful this would be hurting the influence sphere of our best ally Shadowpresident Winters. We instantly agreed that we had to aid our ally against this threat.

On the fly we decided to act as deterrent against the Imperial pilots who were trying to push theire way into Federal space. I am talking about the ALD expansion in CD-27 5409. We both knew we couldnt put a stop to the expansion attempt, but we could show them Imperials, that they will have to count with losses in theire own ranks when trying to push our allys. Although the fight ended with a burnt ship for me, we did what we wanted to do. Eight Imperial Commanders lost theire ships in return. I'd say this is a success in the end. I raise my cup to the skills of Cmdr Rivulet. Let this be the first of many succesful ventures of the "Federal Syndicate".

Location <NANOMAM: Gresley Dock>
Associated Planet <Nanomam 1; earh-like; suitable for watebased life; 399ls from K-Star>
Demographics <wealthy, huge population>
Jurisdication Data <high security; federal, corporate; Nanomam LTD: influence 56,1% controlling; boom>
Dependency <HQ Zachary Hudson>
Relationship <allied>
Station service <full service; blackmarket closed>
Economy <Agriculture>
From the gutter <Anonymous reporter from Radio Sidewinder is shocked by Cmdr Driggers defection to Patreus. Rumours spread that Cmdr Driggers was seduced or poisened with mindcontrol drugs. Others say he has been promised riches and favours from a hooded agent when he was negotiating treaties with the 13th Legion. Stories of Imperial Senator Patreus funding an expansive operation in deep space concerning alien acitvities are dismissed by most but the tinhat followers.>
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