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Leaving home......

31 Jan 2016XxPaRaN01AxX
Walking past the lines at the Federal Pilots Academy, I felt out of place my family means I get to skip the lines? that made no sense to me, never did, never will. I never liked looking like i was one of the upper class, I watched as they were assigned positions, "agriculture" "next..... mining" It was easy to see these pilots had barely a credit to rub together, for them this was their last shot at making it. we got to train in state of the art combat ships FAS' vultures and the like. those poor farmers it'd have been better for them to fly the type 7s the miners had at least it wasn't likely to fall apart. I specialised in recon and intelligence, graduation day approached and I got the worst news I thought possible, my last living relative, my brother was killed in combat against the Empire.

Graduation day arrived, it was good to see the poor farmers had gotten through with no losses this year, a first if I recall. after the ceremony everyone headed to the ball, well anyone with money. I decided to take a stroll up to the local shipyard, a Cobra mk3 caught my eye and for a second I entertained the thought of leaving the Federation to start my own life away from the misery it causes, before I knew it I'd made my mind up and was fast on my way to Eravate. Whilst at Eravate I'd heard of a group of commanders who had just made an escape to a system called Wolf 1301 to start a new true democracy, I made my mind up started up the Intrepedium and left the port. My scanners picked up a peculiar sight as I was about to fire up the FSD, a sidewinder that seemed to be half charging to supercruise then just stopping so I hailed him "you look like you could use a wingmate, I know I sure do" I saw a face peer out from under a mass of wires, it was one of the farmers from graduation. that sidewinder was in bad shape, i'm amazed it even flew. "I'm getting as far away from this system as I possibly can" I laughed couldn't believe I'd found someone else wanting to escape. I told him about EXO and Wolf 1301, he seemed doubtful at first but reluctantly decided to tag along.

Our journey took several weeks, I told him about myself how my family had served the Fed Navy for generations, how I'd lost my parents at an early age and the loss of my brother before graduating, he was a freed slave, that must have been horrible he kept alot of secrets, he seemed wary of other people and determined to get through on his own if possible, he struck me as determined to make something of himself whatever the cost, something not seen often in these times.

We docked at Saunders Dive, I powered down the Intrepidium grabbed my Trench coat and climbed out, I was greeted by a scruffy, unshaven man who extended his hand out to me. I had that pang of being out of place again,, "I don't know how but we made it" I shook the hands of this man who had become my friend as we made for the bar.
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