Logbook entry

S--*prise *isit((/

08 Apr 2019Arbilac
*** Partial log; corruptio..**0---1

;11;0---* teresting to me but gotta be honest, I think I'm either losing it or or I'm losing it. This cannot be real. Can't be. Just can't.

You might or mightent think I gone a bit space crazies. I mean, lets me honest, I be talkin' about shiny planets with the odd note or two about an alien stoaway.

But there's a good reas...**-1;!!

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*Translation matrix enabled*

Shh. TShhHHHH,.. ... .. ;1;1; - active.
Subje..**1111;; over. Intial tests confirm.***!!////1/1/1////1111


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*System reset.
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- - **!/// an' so that happened. Anyway, I ain't sayin' he's real. I got no way to prove it, not really, but we're conversin' now. It's basic stuff. He's movin' way faster than before, but still slow. Seems well, doesn' look like he (if he's a he) wants to hurt me now but wants to communicate more, so we're startin' slow and workin' our way. A bit of hand language.. sign I think, and some basic words (lip reddin' like; I can't "hear" him, but I think he's in my head like). It's weird. I feel... calm.

He now... appears. Disa[[ea[s///... when he wants. We set??//1/// times and ta...1.1...a/////

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︎4 Shiny!
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