Logbook entry

Picking holes

17 Apr 2019Arbilac

<turns over small sliver of metal in hands; catches a warm red glow of a local star>

So, this was causin' all that. Fella. Every bit of it. "Silver linings" they call it, I remember. A good thing from a crock.

You' see, this hear was stuck to my hull. It's a diddy thing. A few inches across, maybe two or three mil thick. A product of "nano" tech. Wonderful really, when you think. Pretty too. Shiny, even.

Ahm sat on a small moon around 6 light from the Dwarf' in this here system. It's such a firey thing, angry, boilin' away. I had to set down after my last jump. Managed to jury rig the girl to get me one more jump, but weren't worth burnin' systems out so I landed to take stock.
The ship, either huntin' or bein hunted is still out there. I doubt she's gone far but she ain't in-system. Least not yet. Maybe this here slice of tech is keepin' me in their sites. Or was.

Kinda sad the fella's gone though. If he were in me head then I got a better imagination than I knew. Perhaps he lives in this tech. Perhaps he's an AI in that ship out there bein' transmitted. Perhaps he's real and the tech let me see 'im. Heh, probably none of it, but he's gone anyways.
The girl weathered that last storm real good, but the emergency drop and buffet shook some things loose, got me a hull breach or two and took my jump drive offline for a spell. I spent a few hours outdoors soakin' up some rays whilst I did manual inspection and panel realignment. Can't have my girl not fit for the ball, now can we? Paint's a bit tatty though; the dust out here is like sandpaper. You'd think the likes of Lakon would know better by now!

Right, gotta get a move on. Last few jumps were on the straight and narrow and off the neutrons; can't have any risky shizz out here now and I'm true for a 3k run to the Ovomly black hole. That was always my aim, and I'm so near, I can feel it. Tuggin'. Like.... like a siren calling me home.

Come on' girl, let's see if this tech gets me a call from the bullies.

<Throttles up>

<Take off>.
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︎3 Shiny!
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