Logbook entry

Playing with the New Guys

05 Nov 2017BeaverNamedBucky
11-4-3303 CMDRs Log: As I've noticed, many of the players in the LSR are not as well experienced, nor as equipped as most of us. This lead me to create a wing of some of the newest and least ready of the lot (No offense to the referenced). We decided to meet halfway between our current locations. Fusang. My old stomping grounds before my time in the LSR. The first to arrive was myself, then was Lay MonK, and last, but not least, RomanNum3rals. He did though require me to go to .40 G. Capriconi with some fuel limpets to get him here which was quite hilarious. After we all setup, the three of us, a Sidey, a Viper, and a Clipper, venture away from the comforts of Cleve Vision towards the beautiful rings of Fusang 3 where I got the money for my first new ship nearly a year and a half prior with my good friends Pieguy1177 and xJMKx. There we fought a bit till Roman nicked a Fed forcing us to leave till the bounty went away. With this Roman left us to retire for the night whilst MonK and I continued the good fight...                  
                                                                                                                                               ...Until MonK hit another Fed.

         CMDR Lt. Bucky
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